PCF CWaC are looking forward to welcoming you back to our In-Person Forums.
If you need any assistance attending this event or have any special dietary requirements then please email us at: contact.pcfcwac@gmail.com
or call 07900 840867
To book your place please use the link below...
Steering Group
Parent volunteers and professionals from Education, Health and Social Care continue to meet regularly to discuss developments and changes and ways of working together to improve services.
Wraparound/Transport Focus Group
Parent volunteers are continuing to meet with representatives from the Local Authority to discuss the lack of wraparound care for children with special needs and disabilities. The group is also exploring transport options for children who want to attend wraparound care on other sites.
Complex Care Focus Group
It was very good to meet all the parents who joined our first Complex Care Focus Group. Thanks to those who gave up their time to come and share their experiences.
School Representatives
School Representative parent volunteers met via Zoom to share experiences. If anyone would like to volunteer to be a representative for their school then please email contact.pcfcwac@gmail.com
The PCF has been attending meetings with the Special School Headteachers
Communications Team
Meetings are ongoing between PCF representatives and the SEN team Communication Officer and the Live Well Website co-ordinator with the aim of improving communication with parent carers.
Improving Navigation on Live Well Cheshire West
You said: that it can be difficult to find services and information on Live Well Cheshire West
We did: Asked for your views looking at options to help improve finding services and information on the site. As a result of your feedback we are looking to add infographics/visual aids, improve categories, and search filters to help you navigate to what you are looking for.
We want: your help! Come along to our next Microsoft Teams meeting focus group meeting 7th December at 11.00am-12:00 pm, give your views and tell us what you think about our new design.
To join the meeting on the above date please click here or for more information please contact me: emma.walker@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Dates For Your Diary
Forums 2023
All our Forum events are listed on the What's On page, with lots of information about each event.
You can book online.
This course offers you the knowledge and emotional support to prepare to plan ahead
Professionals have been invited to share their expertise on Will Writing, Trusts and Power of Attorney, Funeral Planning, Social Care and Supported Living, and End of Life Care
Gaps in services have been identified from the Parent Carer Forum Survey in December 2021. To view the report and our executive summary visit the Live Well page in the link below.
Live Well Cheshire West - www.livewell.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) - Tel 0300 123 7001
SEN Team - Tel 0151 337 6505
Starting Well - www.startingwell.org.uk/
West Cheshire 0-16 CAMHS Tel - 01244 393200
We are always looking for new parents and carers to join us. You can attend meetings, give feedback to influence the services your child or young person uses or help us to identify the gaps in services. Also, a chance to meet other parents and learn about what's on offer in Cheshire West & Chester.
email secretary.pcf.cwac@gmail.com
or join us for one of our meetings. We hope to see you soon!
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