Please feel free to bring children to these coffee events, it's an opportunity to catch up with other families with SEND. We will be inviting professionals to each event, so you will be able to ask them any informal questions.
Wraparound/Transport Focus Group
Parent volunteers are continuing to meet with representatives from the Local Authority to discuss the lack of wraparound care for children with special needs and disabilities. The group is also exploring transport options for children who want to attend wraparound care on other sites. We have attended 2 meetings this month to discuss options, this process has been delayed further by the recent bi- election in Cheshire. We will continue to keep you updated in New Year about progress that is being made.
Cheshire West Association of Special School Heads (CWASSH)
Our Vice Chair attended the CWASSH monthly meeting to keep abreast of challenges that the schools are facing and ensuring that the parents' voice is being heard.
North West PCF Team
This month Cheshire West PCF attends the National Network of Parent Carer Forum, North West meetings. This is an opportunity to learn from what other boroughs are doing and ensure that we can share best practice and share common issues that need raising on a national level.
IPSEA Training - EHC Plan Masterclass
Two of our Steering Group members attended the IPSEA Training for EHC Plan Masterclass - existing plans this month.
The training covered what a plan should look like, making the content specific, detailed and things to look out for when reviewing. Also what to do if you’re not happy with a plan, including requesting re-assessment and appeals process. It was a very interesting and valuable course, highly recommended.
Early Years Pathway
PCF Reps have been working alongside professionals in Health, Education and Social Care to help map out the early years pathway. We have been pushing to get a clear map on what to expect and where to go in those pre-school years. This pathway was signed off at the SEND Strategy board December meeting and will be ready to publish early in the New Year. Watch this space!
This academic years first 'in-person' Forum was held on November 23rd, with some great feedback from the professionals and questions from parents and carers.
The presentation from the event can be found here.
If you missed this event, we have more events coming up in 2023. The dates to add to your diary are below.
Dates For Your Diary
Forums 2023
All our Forum events are listed on the What's On page, with lots of information about each event.
You can book online.
Live Well Cheshire West -
Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) - Tel 0300 123 7001
SEN Team - Tel 0151 337 6505
Starting Well -
West Cheshire 0-16 CAMHS Tel - 01244 393200
We are always looking for new parents and carers to join us. You can attend meetings, give feedback to influence the services your child or young person uses or help us to identify the gaps in services. Also, a chance to meet other parents and learn about what's on offer in Cheshire West & Chester.
or join us for one of our meetings. We hope to see you soon!
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