We are delighted to run our inaugural coffee event on January 20th in conjunction with SPACE. Everyone is welcome! It will be an informal session, where parents will be able to catch up with other parents. At each of our events through the year we will have people for education, health and charities pop along so you can ask them any questions about accessing their services. Children are welcome!
Following on from the feedback we have received about Transport this academic year. We are hosting 2 Transport Forums to gain your experiences so we can feed it back to the Transport Team.
Would you like to share your view? Are you free on 10th May @ 11am or 11th May @ 7pm.
If you would like to register your interest, please click here...
Social Care and Direct Payment Focus Group
Thank you to Sarah Banks and Laura Stokes-Hughes for taking time to explain how families access Social Care and Direct Payments. If you were unable to attend the Forum but would like to watch it back, please click the link below
Social Care & Direct Payments Presentation
January Steering Group Meeting update
We held our first Steering Group of the year at the beginning of January. We were delighted to have a number of professionals attend and update us on key areas of work for 2023. We will keep you posted on these in forthcoming Newsletters.
Gill Tyler our Designated Clinical Officer updated us that Annual Health Checks for children with Learning Disabilities from 14+ are on the decline.
Did you know that your child is eligible for an Annual Health Check? If not then please contact your GP or Paediatrician to arrange one.
To find out more about annual health checks please click the links below.
Annual health checks | Live Well Cheshire West (cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk)
Annual Health Checks - Easy Read | Live Well Cheshire West (cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk)
Dates For Your Diary
Forums 2023
All our Forum events are listed on the What's On page, with lots of information about each event.
You can book online.
Parent/Carer Engagement Meeting
The SEN Team will be writing to all hub users to ask them for feedback from the Education Health and Care Plan hub. They are looking to speak to parent/carer users.
The provisional date for this is 1pm on 27th January 2023. Cheshire West and Chester Council’s SEN Team are arranging this and registered Hub users will receive an email with further details in the near future.
Who Will Care After I’ve Gone?
Are you caring for someone with a learning disability or Autism living in Cheshire West & Chester?
It’s important to plan for their future when you are no longer able to care
This two day course offers you the knowledge and emotional support to prepare to plan ahead
To be held at The Salvation Army, Whitby Road. Ellesmere Port CH65 6RS
Monday 6th February
Monday 13th February
10.30 - 14.00
Professionals have been invited to share their expertise on Will Writing,
Trusts and Power of Attorney, Funeral Planning, Social Care and Supported Living and End of Life Care
A light lunch will be served where carers and speakers will have an opportunity to discuss topics in more detail and carers share experiences with fellow carers
Following the course, we offer individual support to plan and complete
‘My Preferred Priorities for Care’
CWAC Winter HAF Programme 2022 - Parent/Carer and Child feedback
Your child may have attended a HAF funded Christmas Holiday club, or may have received a HAF funded 'Lets Cook' recipe box or been offered a HAF funded family Christmas activity. We would really welcome your views on HAF activity that your child took part in at Christmas. This will help us make improvements going forward.
The form is anonymous so its okay to be honest.
The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete.
Thank you for your time.
(if you have children at different schools or children who attended separate clubs then please feel free to complete a separate form)
We have just added the new Home to School Transport information pages to Live Well Cheshire West to try to help navigate to information you are looking for.
Click on the image above to find the following information which provides home to school transport information for children and young people aged 5-25.
This includes Important information, information about walking distances and hazardous routes, hardship and low income, special educational needs and disabilities and travel options and policy information.
As always if you can’t find what you are looking for please contact: emma.walker@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
January may often be seen as month of bad weather, dark days and the after-effects of Christmas indulgence, but here are five ways to lift your mood and improve your wellbeing with ease.
Rather than making life more of a struggle, the five ways to wellbeing are about making your life that bit brighter without having to make dramatic changes to your lifestyle.
There are 5 ways to Wellbeing. Explore the links by
clicking on the image above to find out more about what is available in Cheshire West to help you achieve them.
Live Well Cheshire West - www.livewell.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) - Tel 0300 123 7001
SEN Team - Tel 0151 337 6505
Starting Well - www.startingwell.org.uk/
West Cheshire 0-16 CAMHS Tel - 01244 393200
We are always looking for new parents and carers to join us. You can attend meetings, give feedback to influence the services your child or young person uses or help us to identify the gaps in services. Also, a chance to meet other parents and learn about what's on offer in Cheshire West & Chester.
email secretary.pcf.cwac@gmail.com
or join us for one of our meetings. We hope to see you soon!
Copyright © 2022 CWAC PCF, All rights reserved.
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