Message from the Chair - Welcome Back and Introductions....
We would like to welcome all of our families back from the recent summer break and take this opportunity to welcome 2 new members to our Steering Group and share with you our Steering Group Structure.
Joanne Cawley is Mum to James who has recently started a Hospitality and Catering course at Petty Pool College. Jo is taking on our Social Care Lead role and will be working alongside Annika Flower to represent your experiences.
I would also like to welcome Daniela Giaz, who is joining as our Health Lead working alongside Lesley Gledhill. Daniela is Mum to 2 children and has valuable lived experiences that she can share with our Professional Colleagues.
Julie Duff - Chair
Here is an outline of our 2022 PCF Steering Group.
Back to school can be a tricky time for our children with SEND.
We have had a lot of feedback that there have been significant issues with Transport this year. We have been working with the Transport Team to escalate these issues.
In the new few days we will be asking you for your specific feedback so that we can improve services and the experiences for our children with SEND in the Future.
Coffee & Catch Ups
In addition to our Forums, we are also planning some drop in coffee events across the borough. We are in the process of finding venues for these, so please keep an eye on our website for deatils. In the meantime, I encourage you to attend your School Coffee Events where we will have representatives there to support you. We now have PCF School Reps at most of our Special Schools and are looking for volunteers in our Mainstream schools. If you would like to help then please get in touch.
Our Next Event...
PCF CWaC are looking forward to welcoming you back to our 2022/23 events.
Our first Forum will be held on
Wednesday 21st September 2022.
We have listened to our members feedback, with making events more accessible for working parents being a common theme. As requested by you are first Forum will be held as a virtual evening forum covering the topics of Benefits and Will & Trusts.
We will be recording the session and the recording will be posted on our website for you to visit at your convenience. To book your place please use the link below...
Plans for next year academic year
We have a busy year of Forums planned. Please take a look at our schedule of both in person and virtual forums for the next academic year. In addition to this we will continue to work alongside our Professional Colleagues on consultations ranging from the navigation of the LiveWell website, after-school provision to the review of Community Paediatrics.
Live Well Cheshire West -
Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) - Tel 0300 123 7001
SEN Team - Tel 0151 337 6505
Starting Well -
West Cheshire 0-16 CAMHS Tel - 01244 393200
We are always looking for new parents and carers to join us. You can attend meetings, give feedback to influence the services your child or young person uses or help us to identify the gaps in services. Also, a chance to meet other parents and learn about what's on offer in Cheshire West & Chester.
or join us for one of our meetings. We hope to see you soon!
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