We had a lovely first week back after the Easter break at SPACE coffee morning.
We are delighted to announce the next coffee morning this month, will be held on:
Friday 28th April at Down Syndrome Cheshire
It will be an informal session, where parents will be able to catch up with other parents.
At each of our events through the year we will have people from education, health and charities. Pop along so you can ask them any questions about accessing their services.
Children are welcome!
PCF Wednesday 22nd March Forum
At our 'Meet the Professionals' forum we had short presentations from a whole range of professionals working locally in SEND. They introduced themselves and spoke about what they do and how to access their services. There was also time for the parent carers who attended to speak to them during the coffee and lunch breaks and there was a lot of great sharing of experiences and information. We were also very grateful to Debbie Edwards, the Director of Education and Inclusion, presenting on 'One year on from the Local Authority SEND Ofsted Inspection'. As always, the forum was a great opportunity for parent carers to meet and share experiences and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone who came along.
Thank you to everyone who attended for all your feedback.
A Roadmap to Special Educational needs and where to find support online forum
PCF reps continue to organise forums to share your views and opinions. This month we had a successful online forum presented by Emma Walker and Tracy Millington. Emma talked about the Roadmap to special education needs and how to navigate on LiveWell. Tracy talked about the new CATCH app and how it helps support families from early years. We also had Lucy from SPACE, talking about the support they provide and their upcoming events. Emma Meekin and Sarah Mcgrady attended to gather feedback from parents carers about the emerging needs of families with 0-5 year old children to capture lived experience for their assessment work.
We would love families to complete the survey below:
0-5s with SEND Emerging Needs Parent / Carer Survey
If you couldn't make this event, or would like to watch it again. Please find the link at the bottom of this email under signposting.
Our AGM is on Wednesday 12th July 10:30-12pm. If you would like to come along and discuss what you would like us to focus on for future events please click on the online booking link under events.
Monthly Meetings
Our reps continued to attend our monthly meetings, these range from meeting with Information, Advice and Support Services to attending Special School heads meetings.
If there is anything you would like to raise with us about issues or concerns, then please feel free contact:
After a successful Forum in March we have more fantastic events coming up for you to put in your diaries.
Please see below for more information on our upcoming events.
Dates For Your Diary
All our Forum events are listed on the What's On page, with lots of information about each event.
You can book online.
We would appreciate your feedback on your personal experiences with Endorphins and Community Connections. Please click below to register your feedback.
Early Years Pathway & Introduction to Special Needs
Please click the button below to direct you to our PCF April online forum presentation.
Scan the QR code below to download the Catch app to your phone
Live Well Cheshire West - www.livewell.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) - Tel 0300 123 7001
SEN Team - Tel 0151 337 6505
Starting Well - www.startingwell.org.uk/
West Cheshire 0-16 CAMHS Tel - 01244 393200
IPSEA- Call-in Helpline Tel- 0300 22 5899
CONTACT Advice Line -Tel-0808 808 3555
We are always looking for new parents and carers to join us. You can attend meetings, give feedback to influence the services your child or young person uses or help us to identify the gaps in services. Also, a chance to meet other parents and learn about what's on offer in Cheshire West & Chester.
email contact.pcfcwac@gmail.com
or join us for one of our meetings. We hope to see you soon!
Copyright © 2023 CWAC PCF, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: